The horizon effect
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The horizon effect

We are well aware of the horizon effect: as we walk towards the horizon, the horizon gets further away. In science sometimes this effect seems to apply. Let us look at a few examples:
Mycoplasma genitalium genetic map

In the above examples, the horizon effect is unmistakable. This does not mean that we will never be able to solve these problems, but we should be more careful whenever some small progress is made. If I had to take chances and make a prediction, I would say that, if these problems have a solution, I don?t think it very likely that it will be found during the twenty-first century. On the other hand, perhaps our scientific civilization won?t endure beyond this century. But that is another story.

(1)   Craig Venter, Life at the speed of Light, 2015.
(2)   Ray Kurzweil, The age of intelligent machines, 1990.
(3)   Ray Kurzweil, The age of spiritual machines, 1999.

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