All Things

Religion and the YMCA of the Rockies

Ira Hayes: Heroes, Victims and the Photos of War

NASA & Interstate Highways: Can you believe they actually happened?

Will debt failure finally cause the rich to feel some pain?

Humpty Dumpty, George Orwell, and the "Cult of Balance": Perverting Language for Political Ends

Colorado Rockies July 2011

Lake Fort Scott diary: Boating, bumps and dogs

Brooklyn Nostalgia

Lake Fort Scott Diary: Kayaking in the still

Remembering Matt. Meyers though his poetry

Mr. Becker

Shall we be callous or shall we be people? There is hope.

Tahrir or Tienanmen? "White Shirts" or Brown? Occupy Wall St and the NYC Police

Remembering Records

Steve Goodman

The Bonus Army: Forgotten or Relevant?

Nostalgia and the Near Poor: Confronting the real issues that face us

December at the Lake

Christmas in Tucson

When do people doing bad things become bad people?

Tucson and the birds

Determinism versus freedom (2nd part)

Do Americans Love thgeir Children?

Classifying living beings: Cladistics or complexity levels

The multiverse and the fine tuning problem

Terrorism and Reducing the Deficit

How to respond to terrorists and terror

All things are connected

Poverty is Not Good For you



Tea Parties and Democracy

What's the use of a child?

Who is the Enemy in Afghanistan?

Praise Be . . . !

Geese at the Lake

Lake Fort Scott Diary: Kayaking in the still

“Oh, what a beautiful city!” (Oaxaca Part 1)

Labor Day at the lake: Honor Labor!

War and Genocide

Nostalgia and the Near Poor: Confronting the real issues that face us

Caucusing for Bernie in Kansas

America's Backyard

Kansas Government has become yet more conservative

Peace On Earth, Good Will to All?

Finding Love or Selling Yourself.

The United States and Haiti

We are not living in a simulation: a note on Nick Bostrom?s proposal

Can the Free Market Save the Planet?

About the problem of evil
